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Freestyle skier Sarah Burke in critical condition in Utah


New member
Canadian Freestyle skier Sarah Burke, a potential medallist for Canada for  the 2014 Winter Olympic Games, suffered a dangerous freefall in a training run in Utah, that left her in a "medically-induced coma" in a Utah hospital, as doctors tried to stem swelling to her brain, "intercranial hemmorhage".

She later underwent successful brain surgery to "repair a vertebral artery, a major vessel that supplies blood to the brain", but, her prognosis for recovery is still in queation.

Fro more:  http://www.ctv.ca/CTVNews/TopStories/20120112/burke-condition-hospital-120112/
And a wonderful reminder for how awesome the US health care system is.  Her family and friends lost a wonderful person (I very loosely knew her through her family) and they are now stuck with the $550,000 bill for her medical care.

They started a collection for people to help cut down on some of that cost, but man is that ever unbelievable awful to go though on top of losing a very special woman.
I'm curious why (especially given what she does) she would have insured herself. Was this a huge gaff on her part or is it that insurance companies wouldn't cover her?
L K said:
And a wonderful reminder for how awesome the US health care system is.  Her family and friends lost a wonderful person (I very loosely knew her through her family) and they are now stuck with the $550,000 bill for her medical care.

They started a collection for people to help cut down on some of that cost, but man is that ever unbelievable awful to go though on top of losing a very special woman.

Here is the link to the site where you can donate to the cause:
