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Former Toronto Maple Leaf enforcer (1976-1979) passed away yesterday. Walker ran a charity entitled Dignity after Hockey, helping troubled former (retired) NHLers adjust to life long after their careers were over.
Many Leafs fans of the era (I, includes) best remember Kurt Walker as the quintessential enforcer who never backed down when fighting some of the game's toughest and vicious fighters. Among them, the Broad Street Bully Philly Flyers and resident bad boy Dave "the Hammer" Schultz and Boston's Stan Jonathan, to name a few.
Walker always desired to be more than just one who fights, but his hockey skills, thoigh not completly lacking, never came to fruition.
Walker knew what his role demanded on the ice, and considering the era it was, parlayed it very well in protecting his teammates.
Many Leafs fans of the era (I, includes) best remember Kurt Walker as the quintessential enforcer who never backed down when fighting some of the game's toughest and vicious fighters. Among them, the Broad Street Bully Philly Flyers and resident bad boy Dave "the Hammer" Schultz and Boston's Stan Jonathan, to name a few.
Walker always desired to be more than just one who fights, but his hockey skills, thoigh not completly lacking, never came to fruition.
Walker knew what his role demanded on the ice, and considering the era it was, parlayed it very well in protecting his teammates.