OldTimeHockey said:
That said, it's sadly true for a lot of these "celebrity" athletes. Sure there's the good guys, but for the most part, they come off like pompous a$$hats.
For what it's worth I didn't mean it in the "he's not a good guy" sense and I can't make any sort of claims there.
I more meant like he was a pretty mediocre coach, was so/so at running Team Canada at his two shots(the 2002 team, although successful, still had some weird choices), is deadly boring as a commentator, his whiskey has pretty bad ratings on LCBO.com...I don't know. Maybe I'm being too harsh but when a lot of players from his era seem to be pretty good at running teams or whatever it sure seems like the best thing you can say about his post-playing career is that he's an ok golfer.